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Terms And Conditions
What I kindly ask from pet owners is:

If you don't mind leaving a review about what you thought about my pet sitting services, it would help me enormously. As a pet owner you probably want to know what past clients thought about my work, so I think future customers would love to read about your own experience.

I would like to have the passport at hand of every pet I'll look after as well as an emergency contact, which can include the phone number of your vet or an acquaintance/neighbour, that I can reach in a case of an urgent situation. Having an animal carrier at hand is mandatory for me to accept the booking.

I would like to have basic cleaning supplies, such as wet wipes, at hand so as to clean what yout pet might make dirty (such as vomit of pee/poop outside the litter box).

 I'm super up for a meeting to get to know each other before the booking starts (pets included of course). This is also a good moment for me to already have the house key. Nevertheless, if the key can't be provided upon the first meet up, I kindly ask that it's later on brought to me instead of me going again to pick it up.

Because of a privacy policy, I want to be notified if there are cameras in the house and if they record with sound.

 Messages sent out of office hours will be answered the following day. 

Recurso 24.png

If you were to return home sooner than expected, I would like to get notified with a clear message. I will go to your place until the last day of the reservation, so please let me know if you're home before the booking has ended. Plans can change unexpectedly, that's why communication is key. I don't want to intrude in your home if you're there and also I get really startled when I find someone unexpected inside.

 If it were possible, I'd rather if someone from your inner circle could have a copy of the key to your house just in case. A copy could also be provided to me and I can keep it safe in my place until the end of the booking.

If the key is not provided upon the initial meeting, it will have to be dropped in my mailbox. If you're worried about safety issues related to this, there's no need to! My mailbox falls diagonally into my house so it's not possible to retrieve anything that falls into it. After the keys have been dropped, I'll send a confirmation message with a picture of them for you to be sure that I have them with me. I kindly ask if your key can have a distinctive keychain so it's easier for me to identify them.  Please don't come unannounced and ring the doorbell.

To give you back your house key, I will drop it in your mailbox after my last visit.

For an extra fee, I also offer the option of keeping the key so you can pick it up from my place after your arrival. For more details on this check extras


 I've created a form to be filled out by the client before the booking starts. There you'll be able to find questions regarding key information for a visit such as : feeding schedule and vet information . All these things will be talked during the meeting, but I like having everything on paper because the clearer information, the better!


To ensure your cat's safety, I would rather that he/she would stay indoors during the booking, even if it's a cat that it's allowed to go outside regularly. If you would still want your cat to go outside during this time, and something unfortunate were to happen, it's at your own risk.


I understand that while being on holidays it's nice to disconnect for a while, including from our phones. I don't mind if you don't reply to the regular daily photo updates, but please read the messages just in case there is an important question regarding the booking.


If you'd like, you can let your neighbours know I will be dropping by on a daily basis. Out of a privacy and security policy, I will not disclose any information related to the booking such as until when you are on holidays to anobody that asks me.


I kindly ask if your cat's litter box can be clean before the booking starts. There's nothing like a fresh start!


I understand that the time prior to a trip can be really hectic, but please keep in mind leaving what is going to be my working area tidy and clean. In the summer months this is even more important, so please remember as well to take the trash out before your departure. It's a season in which flies thrive and trash cans get full of maggots rapidly which can pose a hazard for your cat. Personally, I don't find comfortable working under dirty conditions. 

Please keep in mind:

Even though I don't mind keeping the main things from your house in order (collecting any mail that may arrive), things such as cleaning, watering house plants or the garden are not included in the pet sitting fee. Of course, I will clean after your pet if they throw up or if there are any potty incidents, but mopping or vacuuming the hair from your pet is not part of my main tasks. I can do that but for an extra fee.

Every household has different sets of rules of do's and don'ts with their pets, so it's handy if I'm told beforehand what they are allowed and not allowed to do. For example, for some people playing on the couch is a big no and other's don't really mind. Same for letting the cat scratch the couch. If I'm not told the rules beforehand, I can't follow what you'd rather me to do.

If a specific visiting schedule is needed, it should be asked in the initial contact message before the meeting. After that, I will make the visiting schedule and I will send it to you before the booking, but it can be that I can't accommodate it to a specific request by then.


If your pet were to sadly pass away during the booking, I would get in touch with the person set as emergency contact in the form, and they would take it up from there. The booking would have to be paid in full even though I would not drop by any longer.


If I were to suggest modifications regarding how things are done at your home in relation to your pet, please don't take it personal. I am studying to become a professional cat behaviourist so I just want to help with the wellbeing of your furry friend.


If someone would drop by your house during the booking, I would like to be notified in advance as not to get startled when coming in. If it were to be an acquaintance of yours that would be staying there for some time, I will of course do the basic tasks such as refreshing food and water and cleaning the litter box of your cat but I won't stay the full lenght of the visit.

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