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One home visit a day costs  €20. The details of the visit are explained here.

* This price includes up to two pets, if you have more check out the extra fees.

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Two home visit a day cost  €40. The details of the visit are explained here.

* This price includes up to two pets, if you have more check out the extra fees.

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Walking your dog for 30 minutes costs €22The details of the visit are explained here. 

Plese keep in mind that I don't have availability for weekly dog walking, only for sporadical cases.


 While I look after your pet, I can also look after your house while you’re away, like collecting mail in a safe spot for when you return. If you'd like me to water the garden I charge an extra fee for it of €10 and for indoor plants €3 per time (the plants will have to be put all together in the same spot). If you’d need me to take out trash bins on pick up days it has a cost of €5 and taking the trash out to the nearby container €5 .

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The price per visit is up to two cats. If there were to be more than two cats in the house to look after, an extra €6 needs to be added per extra cat per visit to the regular fee. 

Same is the case that I would have to do cats and dogs in the same visit, an extra fee of €10 will be applied.

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Never run out of stock. If you're worried that the food or litter might run out, I have a solution for it. I offer clients the service of going to the supermarket/ pet store to buy any supplies that might run out for a fee of €15. I'll buy whatever is in need, letting you know beforehand of course, and later sending you a payment request for it.

You'll also receive a picture of the receipt so you can control the expenses made.


If what I need to buy doesn't fit in my scooter and I need to use the car to go buy it and to bring it to your place, a minimum extra of €10 applies (the distance to your house will determine the exact price).

If you'd need me to drop by on Dutch holidays days an extra fee of €12 per visit will be added to the regular fee. For more information on which days are considered holidays check this page.

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If you were to choose for your cat to go out during the booking and if your cat were to bring dead animals to the house, the cost of cleaning that will be of €10.

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Looking after small animals like fish has a fee of €7 and for rodent,  to whom I might need to change their bedding besides feeding them and changing their water, has a cost of €12.

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If you woud need me to take your pet to the vet for a planned appointment, that would have an extra cost of €30. If you would need me to stay during the vet consultation, that would have an extra cost of €50. These fees include one cat, every extra animal has a fee of €20.  And what's included in these fees is a vet visit lasting up to one hour, after that every extra 30 min costs €20. 


In terms of transportation, if I would have to drive myself to the vet, the minimum extra cost is of €10 plus parking if needed. But it can be happend that I can't drive myself and a taxi is needed. 


If I need to take your pet to the vet as an emergency, the cost is of €80 plus extras of how long I need to stay in the hospital until a diagnosis and action plan (€20 for every 30 mins, taking into account that I can't visit any other cats in that time).


If you would need a last minute booking (meaning that the first visit would start within 4 days), it might be possible that I could fit it in my schedule. In the case that it is possible, the cost for this is of €25.


If you would  want to have an extra meeting besides the initial one (which is free of charge) it has a cost of €20.


 After my last visit I return the house key through the mailbox. If you'd like me to keep your key after my last visit so you can pick it up from my place after your arrival, it has a cost of  €5.


I can trim your cat's nails in the comfort of your own home. The price for this is of  €20 and €10 extra per every other animal from that house that needs the service. I will bring my own tools that include a nail trimmer and a styptic powder that stops nails from bleeding if that were to happen by accident.


Cleaning accidents has an extra cost of €3.50

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